PRIORsmART – nice, but not that smart attempt…

Today I came across Prior Smart meta-search engine which searches through number of patent sources – first I read about it at PIUG list and later spotted it mentioned by TechCrunch. All in all, it’s another nice attempt to make a specialized patent meta-search engine recently I’ve also seen Patent Bar toolbar and some kind […]

Russian patent search trends

It’s quite funny to see Russian patent search inquiries coming in trends. Of course we’re a very small vendor and wouldnt compete with Google Trends in volume of data to analize :), but even tiny trends are entertaining to watch. Lately, it’s been Aero-Space field. Top manager of an air carrier company (and author of […]

“The Ideal Keyboard” patented in Russia

While putting together my previous post “Russian patent holders to watch Nanoproducts closely“, I browsed the source of that post and came across an interesting bit of news – there was another “Ideal keyboard” patented in Russia (Optimus being the first, if memory serves – [video]). In the keyboard the following innovations are realized: 1. […]